Meetings held:  Every Saturday (term time), 09:30 – 10.30

Age Range:  6 to 8 Years

Beaver Scouts are the youngest members of the Scouting family, between the ages of 6 to 8 years old boys and girls can join a Beaver Scout Colony. In scouting the children are called young persons, and providing there is availability a young person can join in at the start of the term when they are 6.

For Beavers activities are based around a balanced programme including making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.  There are a number of badges associated with these activities which are handed out when completed. 

Previously during the course of the year, our Beaver Colony have also been on a number of outings and there are regular activities arranged by our District. These include:

Children join a Beaver Scout Colony for many reasons. It might be they have heard great things from their friends about all the things our Colony gets up to every week.

We offer a balanced and safe programme in line with the Scout Association guidelines, and we aim to complete at least 2 badges each term.

Our Beaver Colony meets every Saturday, during term time, from 09:30 to 10:30 am. 

More information about our Beaver colony can be found in the menu on the right.

If you would like more information please, in the first instance fill in the appropriate form on our contact us page.

Drop in during one of our sessions to have a look at our facilities, watch the Beavers activities and and have a discussion with our Beaver Leaders.