Subs and Membership
We depend on subscriptions to keep our group running. Although all the Executive Committee and Leaders are volunteers, we still need to cover the running costs. These include building expenses, equipment and materials used for activities, insurance and our annual payment (“capitation”) paid to the Scout Association for District, County and national running costs. Subscriptions also cover badges awarded to young people.
Registration Fee
A one-off registration fee of £15 is charged on joining the group for the first time. This covers badges awarded when a young person is invested as well as the group necker/scarf.
Membership Subscriptions for 2024/25:
For Beavers and Cubs, we charge £37 per term
For Scouts, we charge £42 per term.
We use Online Scout Manager (OSM), an online management system to handle subscription payments. These are collected monthly by Direct Debit shortly after the beginning of term.
OSM also allows you to pay for other activities, such as trips or camps.
If you don’t have access to a bank account or you can’t set up a Direct Debit then please speak to a Leader and we will do our best to help.